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Meta Lab: Constant Tempreture Water Bath
Product Details:
Construction: Double walled exterior made of G.I. finished in powder coating epoxy paint. Interior made of stainless steel, glass wool insulation between these two walls. Immersion heaters will be provided to raise the tempreture. The heating laod is divided as low/high to get suitable accuracy at all tempretures. A pump cum stirring unit will be provided to keep the tempreture uniform.
Tempreture Range: 5 C above ambient to 95 C
Accuracy: +_ 0.5 C
Temp. Control: Digital display having 0.1 C resolution fully solid state proportional temp. Controller with PT 100 as a sensor provided for high accuracy measurement and controls.
Input Voltage: 230 volt AC
Meta Lab: Constant Tempreture Water Bath
Laboratory Equipment