Biochemistry Analyzers
Product Details:
- Mono/bichromatic reading.
- 100 Non-volatile memory locations.
- Low voltage halogen lamp.
- Silicon Photodiode.
- Photometric range from 0 to 3,0 Abs. (0 to 2.5 Abs. at 340nm)
- Spectral rangefrom 340 to 900nm.
- Filter wheel of 9 positions(8 filters included).
- Square cuvettes macro, semi-micro and micro or round test tubes.
- Peristaltic system with flow cuvette, 18uL.
- Thermostatization by Peltier System (23-40ºC).
- LCD graphicdisplay of 320x240 pixels.
- Internal QualityControl.
- Bi-directional thermal printer.
- Kinetics by linear regression.
- Calibration by factor,single calibrator or calibration curve.
- PC Communication software.