Satyam Enterprises
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Root Anatomy
Root AnatomyThis model demonstrates general arrangement of tissues root is cut transversely longitud..
SinusCut-away model depict a near median section through the nose and nasal passages. Details includ..
Skeletal Model Of Human Foot
Skeletal Model Of Human FootSolid cast of foot with portions of Tibia and Fibula, mounted on base.Sh..
Student Microscope (Triple Revolving Nose Piece)
Student Microscope (Triple Revolving Nose Piece)Horse Shoe Base stand for perfect stability.Focusing..
SyphonThese self priming Syphons can be used for pouring liquids from large containers to small ones..
Tooth Care Model
Tooth Care ModelEnlarged about 3 times, not dissectible. The model shows denture and patate of an ad..
Triple Beam Single Pan Balance
Triple Beam Single Pan BalanceSingle top pan, low form, suspension balance with scale and pan locate..
Water Circuit Board
Water Circuit BoardA simple analogue apparatus demonstrating the fundamentals of flow of electric cu..
Worcester Circuit Board Kit
Worcester Circuit Board KitThis simple self to do kit demonstrates the basic concepts of electrical ..