SE-Test Lab Instruments India Private Limited
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L-Shape Box Apparatus
L-Shape Box ApparatusStandardsEN 12350-9Model NoSET-1108The L Shape box is used for determining the ..
Laboratory Cement Autoclave
Laboratory Cement AutoclaveApplicationLab&PharmaMaterialMild SteelShapeVerticalMount TypeFloor M..
Laboratory Concrete Mixer (Motorized)
Laboratory Concrete Mixer (Motorized)Model NoSET-1113Se-Test India Pvt. Ltd is an eminent instrument..
Le Chatelier Flask
Le Chatelier FlaskModel NoSET-1011StandardsIS 4031 1968, ASTM C 188Used for finding specific gravity..
Le Chatelier Mould
Le Chatelier MouldStandardsIS 269, 712, 5514, 1727 , 2645, 6932 ( PART IX) BS 6463Model NoSET-1010It..
Length Comparator
Length ComparatorModel NoSET-1013StandardsIS 1199-1959, IS 4031 1968 BS 1881, ASTM C 151, C490The in..
Melting Pot
Melting PotCapacity2.4 litresDimensions140 x 150 mm (Internal), 250 x 165mm (External)Rated Power750..
Pocket Concrete Penetrometer
Pocket Concrete PenetrometerStandardsASTM C-403Model NoSET-1110Consists of a needle having face area..
Prism Mould Three Gang
Prism Mould Three GangStandardsIS 1727 1967, IS 4031 1968, ASTM C 394, C 64Model NoSET-1021It is sup..
Shrinkage Bar Mould
Shrinkage Bar MouldStandardsIS 4031, 10086, ASTM C 227. & BS 1881.Model NoSET-1012Available Mode..
Slump Test Apparatus
Slump Test ApparatusStandardsIS 7320 & BS 1881-102Model NoSET-1102SE-Test India manufactures slu..
Straight Edge
Straight EdgeModel NoSET-1117Used to remove excess material when molding cube and cylinder specimens..
Tamping Bar
Tamping BarModel NoSET-1116This is used for compacting concrete into cube moulds. This rod is made o..
Tamping Rod
Tamping RodThis is used for compacting concrete into cube moulds. This rod is made of steel it is 16..
U-Shape Box Apparatus
U-Shape Box ApparatusModel NoSET-1109The U Shape box apparatus is used to determine the filling and ..