Rupson Industries
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Flow Table
Flow TableProduct Details:BrandRupsonMaterialMS And BrassDiameterTop Dia 200 mmOperation OnHand Oper..
High Speed Stirrer
High Speed StirrerProduct Details:CapacityAppx 750 mlPhaseSingleModelVerticleDesign TypeStandardVolt..
L Box
L BoxProduct Details:L Box - Method used to determine flow rates and passability of Self-consolidati..
Lab Emulsifier Homogenizer
Lab Emulsifier HomogenizerProduct Details:We are the leading manufaturer of Vertical Deep Freezer,Gl..
LIQUID LIMT DEVICEProduct Details:MaterialBrass With Rubber BaseBrandRupsonLIQUID LIMIT DEVICE HAND ..
Melt Flow Index Tester
Melt Flow Index TesterProduct Details:Minimum Order Quantity1 eachMaterialMSVoltage220VTemperature R..
Microprocessor Based TDS Meter
Microprocessor Based TDS MeterProduct Details:Accuracy+/- 1% fs +/- 1 digitResolution0.1 PPMApplicat..
mud balance
mud balanceProduct Details:The mud balance provides a simple, practical method for the accurate dete..
Pan Mixer
Pan MixerProduct Details:Minimum Order Quantity1 PieceUsage/ApplicationIndustrialCapacity40-56 ltAut..
Plate Load test Apparatus
Plate Load test ApparatusProduct Details:Minimum Order Quantity1 UnitMaterialMild SteelAutomation Gr..
Pocket Penetrometer For Soil
Pocket Penetrometer For SoilProduct Details:Voltage220 vDisplay TypeStandardMaterialAllBrandAllPower..
Pocket Pentrometer For Comcrete
Pocket Pentrometer For ComcreteProduct Details:Voltage220 vDisplay TypeStandardMaterialsteelBrandAll..
PROCTOR COMPACTION APPRATUSProduct Details:MaterialMSHammer Weight2.6 or 4.89 kgAutomation GradeManu..
Proving Ring Pentrometer
Proving Ring PentrometerProduct Details:MaterialMS/ Special AlloyBrandRupsonProving Ring Pentrometer..
Rapid Moisture Meter
Rapid Moisture MeterProduct Details:Minimum Order Quantity1 eachBrandRupsonDisplay TypeAnaloguePress..
Relative Density Apparatus
Relative Density ApparatusProduct Details:Rs. 61500/-Our Relative Density Test Apparatus is comprehe..
Riffle sampler divide
Riffle sampler divideProduct Details:MaterialMild SteelInstrument TypeSample deviderAutomation Grade..
Rotary Vacuum Pump
Rotary Vacuum PumpProduct Details:TypeBelt Drive Rotary Vane PumpsBrandRupsonNumber Of StagesSingle ..
Sampling Tubes
Sampling TubesProduct Details:Usage/ApplicationTaking Soil SamplesBrandRupsonMaterialMSShapePipeDime..
Sand Equivalent Test Apparatus
Sand Equivalent Test ApparatusProduct Details:Minimum Order Quantity1 SetMaterialGlass & steelAu..