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FermenterProduct Details:Specifications documents are attached along with. There are various varitie..
Flame Photometer Microprocessor..
GlassbeakerProduct Details:GlassBeaker is Available in different sizes : 50ml 100ml 150ml 250ml 500m..
Kipps ApparatusProduct Details:Kipps Apparatus comes in different capacities are available as below:..
Laboratory StirrerProduct Details:Fitted with Electric motor having maximum speed up to 4000 R.P.M a..
Measuring CylinderProduct Details:Measuring Cylinder is available in two different types of glasswar..
Medical MicroscopeProduct Details:This Compact Reliable Microscope. The Accurate and practical desig..
Melting Point ApparatusProduct Details:This apparatus is useful in determenation of melting point of..
Monocular MicroscopeProduct Details:Educational Microscope which extends top quality optics and unco..
Pathological Inclined Monocular MicroscopeProduct Details:Pathological Inclined Monocular Microscope..
Ph Meter & Digital Atc..
Polylab Aspirator BottleProduct Details:Polylab Aspirator Bottle are made of Polypropylene and are t..
Polylab CarboysProduct Details:Polylab Carboys, made of polypropylene, are much lighter than glass. ..
Resistance BoxProduct Details:Housed in box with brass knobs fitted. Provided with 4mm socket termin..