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ACID RESISTANT FUME HOODSProduct Details:Acid Resistant Fume Hoods (Perclhoric/ Nitric/ Sulphuric/ H..
Anti-Vibration TableProduct Details:Metrolabs Laboratory Furniture has designed, manufactured, Sup..
Biosafety Cabinet Class II Product Details:BSC-Class II cabinets provide both kinds of protect..
Biosafety Cabinet Class IIIProduct Details:Class III cabinets are leak-tight, totally enclosed..
Biosafety Cabinet Class I Product Details:Class I is the most basic biosafety cabinet that provides ..
CANOPY FUME HOODSProduct Details:The canopy fume hood is a ventilation system for non-toxic material..
Ductless fume hoodProduct Details:Ductless fume hood protect your personnel and the environment from..
EXTRACTOR ARM FUME HOODSProduct Details:An Extractor Arm fume hood is a local exhaust ventilation de..
FUME HOOD ACCESSORIESProduct Details:Common accessories include lab blowers, ventilation ducting in ..
General Laminar AirFlow CabinetProduct Details:Sliding doors can be stopped at any positionEpoxy re..
GI Top – Laboratory StoolsProduct Details:Stool top is made up of 1 mm thick pre-coated Galvanized i..
Horizontal Laminar AirFlow CabinetProduct Details:Horizontal Laminar Airflow ..
Laboratory Center Island TableSpecificationsUnder bench modules will be made of 1 mm thick pre-coat..
Laboratory Wall TableProduct Details:Laboratory Wall Side bench is one of the basic equipment of la..
LOW FLOW FUME HOODSProduct Details:A Low Air Flow fume hood operates at a lower rate than a standard..
Round shape wooden top – Laboratory StoolsProduct Details:Stool top is made up of fine finished ..
Two Tire and Three Tire Reagent RacksProduct Details:Two Tire Reagent Rack:Material of Construction ..
VARIABLE AIR FUME HOODSProduct Details:A Variable Air Volume Fume Hood has control over the air that..
Vertical Laminar AirFlow CabinetProduct Details:Vertical Laminar Airflow system allows operation in ..
Wall Storage Cupboard with Product Details:Material of Construction (Standard) :Made of 1 mm th..