Komal Scientific Co.
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Loose End Buckle and Burst Tester
Loose End Buckle and Burst TesterProduct Details:The Buckle and Burst tester measures the pressure a..
Magnetic Stripe Abrasion
Magnetic Stripe AbrasionProduct Details:Magnetic stripes are found in a variety of products. C..
Magnetic Stripe Abrasion
Magnetic Stripe AbrasionProduct Details:Magnetic stripes are found in a variety of products. C..
MECHANISED SCRATCH TESTER Product Details:The Mechanised Scratch Tester is dedicated to coating..
Multi-Media Abraser
Multi-Media AbraserProduct Details:The TABER® Multi-Media Abraser provides a reproducible method to ..
Optical Micrometer
Optical MicrometerProduct Details:The Optical Micrometer is capable of making non-contact measuremen..
Particle Size Distribution Analysis
Particle Size Distribution AnalysisProduct Details:Reaction Calorimetry For Screening, Process Devel..
Platelet Agitator
Platelet AgitatorProduct Details:Eltek Platelet Agitator is designed to stole platelet bags with goo..
Platelet Incubator
Platelet IncubatorProduct Details:Eltek Platelet Incubator is designed to Store platelet concentrate..
Pop and Tear Tester
Pop and Tear TesterProduct Details:The Pop and Tear Tester series test the quality of Easy Open and ..
Precision Barometer
Precision BarometerProduct Details:This Barometric Pressure Sensor uses a high-accuracy temperature-..
PVS Rheometer
PVS RheometerProduct Details:The PVS is a dynamic coaxial cylinder, controlled shear rate rheometer ..
Raman Spectrometers
Raman SpectrometersProduct Details:Understand Kinetics, Crystallization, & Optimize Reaction Var..
Reaction Calorimeters
Reaction CalorimetersProduct Details:Reaction Calorimetry For Screening, Process Development, and Pr..
RSO Oscillatory Rheometer
RSO Oscillatory RheometerProduct Details:Viscoelastic measurementsprovide R&D users withadvanced..
RST Coaxial Cylinder Rheometer
RST Coaxial Cylinder RheometerProduct Details:Rheological evaluation through controlled stress and c..
RST Cone Plate Rheometer
RST Cone Plate RheometerProduct Details:The RST-CPS Rheometer is great for cone and plate as well as..
Salt Kit
Salt KitProduct Details:Salt Kit in a robust case for measuring the contamination of surfaces prior ..
Score Residual Gauge
Score Residual GaugeProduct Details:Increased Accuracy! The SRG-4000 is a highly repeatable and accu..