Jain Scientific Glass Works
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Allihn Condensers
Allihn CondensersProduct Details:Catalog No.SocketConeEffective Length mm.134/1—19/..
Amber Colour Measuring Cylinders
Amber Colour Measuring CylindersProduct Details:Catalog No.CapacitySub. DivTolerancemlml±ml1104/150...
Aspirator Bottles
Aspirator BottlesProduct Details:Bottles Aspirator, "JSGW", with interchangeable stopper, Glass key ..
Automatic Pipettes
Automatic PipettesProduct Details:Catalog NoCapacityTolerance ml.± ml.45/150.0645/2100.0845/320..
B.O.D Bottles
B.O.D BottlesProduct Details:Bottles, B.O.D. with small funnel at top on neck and interchangeable st..
Beaker Low Form
Beaker Low FormProduct Details:Catalog No.CapacityApproxml.OD x Ht.(mm)548/15042 x55548/210050 x 735..
Buchner Funnel
Buchner FunnelProduct Details:Buchner Funnel, "JSGW", with Sintered Disc of Porosity G-1 or G-2 or G..
Centrifuge Tube
Centrifuge TubeProduct Details:Centrifuge Tube, "JSGW" Conical bottom, graduated with interchangeabl..
Chromatography Columns
Chromatography ColumnsProduct Details:Chromatography Columns, "JSGW", with integral sintered disc an..
Coil Condensers
Coil CondensersProduct Details:Catalog No.SocketConeEffective Length mm.127/114/231..
Crucible Gooch
Crucible GoochProduct Details:Crucible, "JSGW", Gooch type with Sintered Disc of Porosity G-1 or G-2..
Culture Tubes
Culture TubesProduct Details:Tubes, Culture, Media, "JSGW", Flat Bottom, with Screw Cap and PTFE/Rub..
Davies Condensers
Davies CondensersProduct Details:Cat. No.SocketConeEffective Length mm.131/119/2619..
DesiccatorsProduct Details:Catalog No.Dia (mm.)881/1160881/2210881/3240881/4300881/5120Desiccator, V..
Dropping Bottles
Dropping BottlesProduct Details:Dropping Bottles, "JSGW", fitted with ground glass or polypropylene ..
Funnel Powder with Cone
Funnel Powder with ConeProduct Details:Designed for transferring powder into JSGW flasks and vessels..
Globe Shape Separating Funnels
Globe Shape Separating FunnelsProduct Details:Separating Funnels, "JSGW", with glass key Stopcock,Ca..