Hind Scientific Works
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Ammeter Apparatus
Ammeter ApparatusProduct Details:Keeping the diverse requirements of customers in mind, our company ..
Battery Eliminator
Battery EliminatorProduct Details:As a well-known business entity, we are readily involved in provid..
Bunsen Burner
Bunsen BurnerProduct Details:With our vast experience & knowledge in this field, we are engaged ..
Centrifuge Machine
Centrifuge MachineProduct Details:Riding on unfathomable volumes of industrial expertise, we are eng..
Copper Calorimeter
Copper CalorimeterProduct Details:Copper Calorimeter 75 x 50 mm with felt insulation, the outer vess..
Cylindrical Mirror
Cylindrical MirrorProduct Details:Banking on our enriched industry experience, we are able to supply..
Dip Circle Apparatus
Dip Circle ApparatusProduct Details:The case is made of aluminium, strongly mangetised cobalt steel ..
Dissecting Microscope
Dissecting MicroscopeProduct Details:By keeping the track of the latest market trends, we are engage..
Electromagnet Laboratory Apparatus
Electromagnet Laboratory ApparatusProduct Details:California Bearing Ratio commonly known as CBR is ..
Force Arm Apparatus
Force Arm ApparatusProduct Details:Backed by a team of adroit professionals, we are manufacturing, t..
Fortins Barometer
Fortins BarometerProduct Details:The Fortin Barometer, the level of mercury in the glass at the bott..
Gold Leaf Apparatus
Gold Leaf ApparatusProduct Details:For determining Stripping Value of bituminous mixes having aggreg..
Hook Law
Hook LawProduct Details:This complete apparatus has a 15cm. adjustable mirror scale, to prevent para..
Hot Plate
Hot PlateProduct Details:We are a unique name in the industry to provide our precious clients an exc..
Joules Calorimeter
Joules CalorimeterProduct Details:double wall, AluminiumThe inner and outer walls are made from Alum..
Lab Oven
Lab OvenProduct Details:Lab Oven/Incubator, for dual-purpose which is forced-air convection can prov..
Lamp Scale
Lamp ScaleProduct Details:We are named among the leading manufacturers and suppliers of an exclusive..
Mechanical Dynamo Lab Equipment
Mechanical Dynamo Lab EquipmentProduct Details:With an objective to fulfill the demands of our clien..