Hind High Vacuum Co.Pvt Ltd.
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Antireflection Coating on Germanium
Antireflection Coating on GermaniumProduct Details:Imaging the objects that are beyond the visible r..
Beam Combiner
Beam CombinerProduct Details:Beam combiners are the dichroic beamsplitters which when mounted at 45 ..
Beam Splitter Coatings
Beam Splitter CoatingsProduct Details:Plate beam splitters are polished flat and coated glass substr..
Brewster Angle Polarizer
Brewster Angle PolarizerProduct Details:Brewster angle polarizers, when mounted at 57 deg will compl..
Broadband Antireflection Coatings
Broadband Antireflection CoatingsProduct Details:Most of the optical systems works for broadband sou..
Development Project Service
Development Project ServiceProduct Details:With the support of experience professionals, we become a..
Diamond Cutting Laser Mirror
Diamond Cutting Laser MirrorProduct Details:Diamond is the hardest material that is available on the..
Dichroic Plate Beam Splitter
Dichroic Plate Beam SplitterProduct Details:Nd: YAG laser can have second and third harmonics. These..
DLC Coatings On Germanium
DLC Coatings On GermaniumProduct Details:DLC coatings are used in Thermal Imaging applications where..
Dual Band Antireflection Coating
Dual Band Antireflection CoatingProduct Details:Anti reflection coatings are transmission enhancemen..
Enhanced Aluminum Mirror
Enhanced Aluminum MirrorProduct Details:Aluminum is the preferable material for UV-Vis applications...
Evaporation Materials
Evaporation MaterialsProduct Details:HHV offers full range of thin materials and compounds in a vari..
Fiber Optic UV Curing Reflector
Fiber Optic UV Curing ReflectorProduct Details:UV reflector for curing of fiber optic core to the cl..
Fluorescence Filter
Fluorescence FilterProduct Details:HHV has developed special filters with steep edges and narrow ban..
Germanium Window
Germanium WindowProduct Details:Germanium (Ge) based optical components are widely used in imaging s..
Hard Coatings For Tribological Applications
Hard Coatings For Tribological ApplicationsProduct Details:In recent times, the silicon dioxide (sil..
High Efficiency Infrared Anti-Reflection Coating
High Efficiency Infrared Anti-Reflection CoatingProduct Details:Anti-Reflection Coatings on Germaniu..
Hot Mirror
Hot MirrorProduct Details:Hot mirror coating that is deposited on the glass acts as a dichroic coati..
Laser Beam Bender
Laser Beam BenderProduct Details:Nd-YAG laser beam steering mirrors (beam bender) are being manufact..