Goswami Impex Private Limited
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A.C Module
A.C ModuleWe are one of the renowned supplier and exporter of the A.C Module, which is widely used i..
Air Curtain
Air CurtainWe offer the Air Curtain to our global customer, which is made of Mild steel and powder c..
Antibiotic Zone Reader
Antibiotic Zone ReaderWe are engaged in exporting the Antibiotic Zone Reader, which is mostly suitab..
Automatic Polarimeter
Automatic PolarimeterAutomatic Polarimeters offered by us, which are manufactured by our professiona..
Bursting Strength Tester
Bursting Strength TesterWe are engaged in manufacturing and exporting the Bursting Strength Tester t..
Carbon and Sulphur Apparatus
Carbon and Sulphur ApparatusWith our rich industry experience, we provide Carbon and Sulphur Apparat..
Chemical Storage Cabinet
Chemical Storage CabinetWe offer the Bottle / Chemical Storage Cabinet, which is made of superior qu..
Clean Air Tent
Clean Air TentWe provide high quality Clean Air Tents that are overhead clean air modules, which are..
Cod Digester
Cod DigesterWe are engaged in supplying the Cod Digester of single phase that is used for COD method..
Digital pH and Conductivity Meter
Digital pH and Conductivity MeterWe offer our customers Digital pH and Conductivity Meters, which ar..
Digital Thermohygromete
Digital ThermohygrometeWe are one of the leading manufacturer and exporter of the Digital Thermohygr..
Digital Turbidity
Digital TurbidityBeing an eminent manufacturer and supplier, we offer our customers with Digital Tur..
Disintegration Test Machine (Single Basket)
Disintegration Test Machine (Single Basket)We present the Disintegration Test Machine of single bask..
Floculator - Jar testing or Multiple Spindle Stirrer
Floculator - Jar testing or Multiple Spindle StirrerWe have in our store, Floculator that is fitted ..
Freeze Drier (Lypholizer)
Freeze Drier (Lypholizer)We hold expertise in offering the Freeze Drier (Lypholizer), used..
Fruit Pressure
Fruit PressureWe are engaged in manufacturing and exporting the Fruit Pressure and Firmness Testers ..
Glass Bead Sterilizer
Glass Bead SterilizerWe are engaged in manufacturing and exporting the Glass Bead Sterilizer, which ..
High Speed Fumigator (Aerosol Disinfector)
High Speed Fumigator (Aerosol Disinfector)We offer High Speed Fumigators (Aerosol Disinfector) that ..
HomogenizerFrom our extensive store, we present the Emulsifier/ Homogenizer equipped with a motor. I..
Ice Flaking Machine
Ice Flaking MachineWe are engaged in manufacturing and exporting the Ice Flaking Machine, which is w..