Durga Instruments Corporation
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Analytical Balance
Analytical BalanceProduct Details:Short triangular beam, with rider scale. The beam supports are ext..
Barlow Wheel
Barlow WheelProduct Details:To demonstrate conversion of electrical energy into mechanical energy. A..
Brass Cylinders
Brass CylindersProduct Details:CYLINDERS (DI-105)Brass, Copper, Aluminum, Iron, Lead, WoodAvailable ..
Canal Ray Tube
Canal Ray TubeProduct Details:To show positive rays. Vertical type , with two fused discs at each en..
Crookes Radiomater
Crookes RadiomaterProduct Details:Set of 4 mica vanes, with one side of each blackened, in a partial..
Cubes Metals
Cubes MetalsProduct Details:Set of seven, comprising brass, copper, aluminum, iron, lead, zinc and t..
Daniel Cell
Daniel CellProduct Details:Outer copper vessel 125 x 75 mm with perforated shelf and terminal, a por..
Deflection Tube
Deflection TubeProduct Details:to show deflection of cathode rays by a magnet . Horizontal tube is f..
Demonstration Electric Bell
Demonstration Electric BellProduct Details:Mounted on panel, large size parts and visible wiring.Ope..
Demonstration Meter
Demonstration MeterProduct Details:With interchangeable scales. A versatile instrument and demonstra..
Diode Valve Mounted
Diode Valve MountedProduct Details:For experiments in diode characteristics. A double diode valve EB..
Dissecting Microscope
Dissecting MicroscopeProduct Details:A unique base is designed for greater stability and beautiful l..
Dynamic Trolley
Dynamic TrolleyProduct Details:Hardwood, 300 mm long, metal reinforced ends, three low friction ball..
Dynamic Trolley
Dynamic TrolleyProduct Details:Hardwood, 300 mm long, metal reinforced ends, three low friction ball..
Electrostatic Kit
Electrostatic KitProduct Details:Comprising one electroscope, one packet of metal leaves, 4 metallis..
Expansion Apparatus
Expansion ApparatusProduct Details:two cast metal uprights, height 18 cm, fitted with two nickel pla..