Deeksha Analytical Private Limited
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5 channel SPR with modular-BI-4500 Series
5 channel SPR with modular-BI-4500 SeriesHigh throughput with 5 channels and fully automated samplin..
830-Series Compact Glove Box
830-Series Compact Glove BoxCompact glove boxes are available in four (4) user friendly sizes. They ..
Anaerobic Chamber
Anaerobic ChamberThe 855-AC (Anaerobic Chamber) has been designed for manually controlling your atmo..
Automated colony counter- ColonyQuant
Automated colony counter- ColonyQuantThe schuett colonyQuant is comprised of a CCD-Firewire camera (..
Automatic Melting Point Apparatus
Automatic Melting Point ApparatusSingle sample analysis LCD display, simple alphanumeric keypad. Mel..
Bench Top High Speed Centrifuge
Bench Top High Speed CentrifugeStainless steel interiors, integrated refrigeration system and advanc..
BI-2500 Series Benchtop SPR with analysis modules
BI-2500 Series Benchtop SPR with analysis modulesThe new BI-2500 benchtop SPR system offers 3-channe..
Biosafety Cabinet
Biosafety CabinetHigh Efficiency Glass Fiber HEPA Filter ( 30% Air Exhausted, 70% recirculated to ch..
BIOSAFETY CABINET CLASS IBiological Safety Cabinet Class I series has an energy efficient design wit..
BIOSAFETY CABINET CLASS IIBiological Safety Cabinet Class II Series is engineered specifically for l..
BIOSAFETY CABINET CLASS IIIBiological Safety Cabinet Class III Series is designed to work with level..
BOD Incubator
BOD IncubatorBOD incubator series is intelligently designed to efficiently maintain low temperatures..
CO2 Incubator
CO2 IncubatorNatural Air and Moisture Convection. Air and Moisture in chamber are distributed natura..
CO2 Incubator with Built-in Roller or Shaker
CO2 Incubator with Built-in Roller or ShakerRoller Apparatus pr Shaker is mountable on the bottom of..
Color Spectrophotometer-ColorMate
Color Spectrophotometer-ColorMateHighly precise spectrophotometer-ColorMate measures the color diffe..
Drying Ovens
Drying OvensDrying Oven is mainly used for drying and sterilizing sample as well as experiencing is ..
ElectrophoresisPower supplies have four output terminals for up to four simultaneous runs. Powerful ..
Fermentor and Bioreactor System- Biocanvas LF- Convenience Bench Top
Fermentor and Bioreactor System- Biocanvas LF- Convenience Bench TopInterface main control screen co..
Floor Type Low Speed Centrifuge
Floor Type Low Speed CentrifugeFloor Type Low SpeedDesigned around your applications to provide you ..