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Load Frame Ss 30Product Details:Motorized, 30 Speed gear Change. This load frame gives a choice of t..
Loboratory Callformia Bearing Ratio Test Apparatus..
Longitudinal Compressometer..
Mechanical Load FrameProduct Details:This is a light weight but sturdy load frame designed for appli..
Motorized Flow Table..
Proving RingProduct Details:The proving Rings are made for high grade forged alloy steel, and are fi..
Rapid Moisture MeterProduct Details:As per IS-2720 Part-II, IS-12175. Using a speedy moisture meter,..
Relative Density Apparatus Product Details:This equipment is used for the determination of the ..
Shrinkage Limit Apparatus Product Details:As per IS 2720 (Part VI) 1964. This apparatus is inte..
Soil Cone Penetrometer..
Soil Testing Equipments..
Tensile Strength Tester..
Turret Type 30 Speed Gear BoxProduct Details:Electrically Operated, Capacity: 10kN, For Couple with ..
Universal Cone PenetrometerProduct Details:Enables the determination of liquid limit simply and quic..
Universal Cone Penetrometer SS 38Product Details:Enables the determination of liquid limit simply an..
Vernier Transit Theodolite..