Chandra Scientific Industries Show:
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Baby with Pelvis IndianProduct Details:Model Female Pelvis with baby position of full grow..
Binocular MicroscopeProduct Details:Binocular Research Microscope: ‘CSI’ with paired eye pieces ..
Biology Lab EquipmentProduct Details:Biology is a natural science concerned with the study of life a..
Brain Large Dissectable in 4 Parts..
Burette GlassProduct Details:Burette : 50 x 1/10 ml. with Stop Cock &nbs..
Chemistry Lab EquipmentProduct Details:Chemistry is the science of matter, its properties, structure..
Clinical Thermometer..
Compound Microscope OlympusProduct Details:Compound Microscope: OLYMPUS makes Model – HSA manu..
Descicator Soda Glass..
Digital BalanceProduct Details:Lab Electronic Balance: Digital Direct weighing.Cap. 500gm Sens..
Dissecting MicroscopeCircular base. Square stage. Black Japanese body with rack and pinion arrangeme..
Dissecting TrayProduct Details:Dissecting Tray: Extra Superior quality tray Stainless steel , having..
Dropping Bottle GlassProduct Details:Dropping Bottle: (Dropper type). Soda glassCapacity &..
Elbow Joint ImportedProduct Details:Elbow joint Indian make Fibre glassImported ..