Bonna Agela India Pvt Ltd
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96-Well Plate Vacuum Manifold
96-Well Plate Vacuum ManifoldVM96 FeaturesThe degree of vacuum can be controlled by adjusting the ne..
ACQ-06 Column Switcher
ACQ-06 Column SwitcherACQ-06 column switcher allows chemists to switch automatically from one column..
Aluminium TLC Plate
Aluminium TLC PlateBeing a well-distinguished company in the market, we are into offering Aluminium ..
ATS Series Auto-Sampler
ATS Series Auto-SamplerContinuous sampling (up to a thousand times)Excessive large sampling volumeGo..
Cleaner PPT Plates
Cleaner PPT PlatesProtein precipitation is often used as a fast sample preparation method in bioanal..
Cleanert ACA
Cleanert ACACleanert® ACA use coconut charcoal material to concentrate polar substances in water sam..
Cleanert BAP
Cleanert BAPCleanert® Bap is a chromatographic column pre-packed with Alumina material aiming to sep..
Cleanert CN
Cleanert CNCleanert® CN(Cyano) SPE is silica based sorbent bonded with cyanopropyl functional groups..
Cleanert DNPH-Silica
Cleanert DNPH-SilicaCleanert® DNPH-Silica prepared by acidified dinitrophenylhydrazine reagent coate..
Cleanert LDC
Cleanert LDCCleanert® LDC is a specially designed disk format with a much larger cross-section area ..
Cleanert MAS-Q
Cleanert MAS-QMAS-Q (Multi-mechanism Adsorption SPE-QuEChERS) is an application of modified QuEChERS..
Cleanert Micro Plate
Cleanert Micro Plate96-well micro plate can be packed with less sorbent, which allows to load a smal..
Cleanert NANO
Cleanert NANOCleanert NANO was developed base on carbon nanotube material. After functionalized proc..
Cleanert PAE & DEHP
Cleanert PAE & DEHPFood contamination by phthalates has caused considerable hazard to food safet..
Cleanert PEP
Cleanert PEPThe OMM technology offers consistent surface modification, resulting in excellent batch-..
Cleanert PEP-2
Cleanert PEP-2Cleanert® PEP-2 is made of polydivinylbenzene on which the surface is functionalized w..
Cleanert Pep-3
Cleanert Pep-3Leveraging the skills of our qualified team of professionals, we are engaged in provid..