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Amit Scientific Traders

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Minerals ores

Minerals oresWe are offering minerals colour collection (set of 10) , physical properties of mineral..


Ores Collections

Ores CollectionsThis Collection contains 20 Types of Basic Metallic Ores Specimens. The Ores Specime..


Rocks Minerals

Rocks MineralsWe are offering rocks minerals collections education teaching aids geological showcase..


Rocks Minerals

Rocks MineralsWe are offering rocks minerals collections education teaching aids geological showcase..


Rocks Minerals

Rocks MineralsWe are offering rocks minerals .rocks minerals collections education teaching aids geo..


Rocks Minerals

Rocks MineralsWe are offering minerals specific gravity collection (set of10) , physical properties ..


Rocks, Granite

Rocks, GraniteThis Collection contains 50 Types of Rocks Specimens of Igneous, Sedimentary & Met..


Rocks, Lime Stone

Rocks, Lime StoneThis collection contains 20 types of basic rocks specimens of igneous, sedimentary ..


Sedimentary Rocks

Sedimentary RocksWe are offering collection of 15 sedimentary rocks, set of 15 sedimentary rocks col..


Set of Rocks

Set of RocksSet of Rocks / Collection of RocksComprises a comprehensive collection of Igneous, Sedim..
